Final Announcement

Post date: Jan 01, 2021 5:0:19 AM

So it's New Years Eve, to be exact 10 minutes 'til midnight for me. This has been a rather relevant year for many of us, and will especially be remembered in history. As for other less important things, in a matter of minutes the Adobe Flash EOL will end, and they will block Flash from their plugins, for those that still have it installed. For many things, 2020 has been the end of an era, from web plugins to politics. I'll be honest it has been a great experience maintaining the site, even with its up and downs. It was honestly one of the first times I felt like I did something myself. 

As of now I have all of the flash content on the site archived and is available here.

A mirror of FergBlocked is also available here. I will be updating it completely, as the last time I mirrored it was August. (Some embeds don't work currently, may be solved with time.)

I will depart off with a link to Bluemaxima Flashpoint, an archivist project that has been around for slightly longer than FergBlocked.