
Unzip the file, open a MATLAB terminal and go to the directory where the toolbox is, for example: C:\Users\Public\projects\SurrogatesToolbox2p1 (there is no preference for where you will unzip it).

Next, type:

>> cd setup\

>> srgtsInstall

At this point, the setup routine will help you to install the current version of the SURROGATES Toolbox. The support vector regression implementation used in the SURROGATES Toolbox is the one by Prof. Gunn [1]. It requires the use of a compiled file. In the installation of the SURROGATES Toolbox, you will be asked about this file. There are two options:

    1. Compile the code for your machine (preferable, but may require you to chose a compiler).

    2. Copy a pre-compiled file (should work for up to MATLAB 7 under Windows)

If this is the first time you are compiling a file, you might be asked to choose a compiler. According to your MATLAB installation, you might have different options for the compiler. Here it is an example of the typical prompt that you will see in the MATLAB command window:

Select a compiler:

[1] Lcc C version 2.4 in C:\MATLAB7\sys\lcc

[2] Microsoft Visual C/C++ version 6.0 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio

[0] None


At this moment, you are free to choose the compiler of your preference. I have always used the Lcc C version that comes with MATLAB.

Other observations:

  1. The current version of the SURROGATES Toolbox was developed using MATLAB Version 7.6.0 (R2008a).

    1. In practice, most of the installation or uninstallation will only change the MATLAB search path. There is one component that needs to be compiled though. It is the optimization function of the support vector regression toolbox. The installation routine will ask you if you prefer: (i) compiling gunnqp for your specific operating system, or (ii) copy an existing compiled version to your installation.

  2. Other than that, the installion routine will only: (i) create a ___directory___.mat file at the .../SurrogatesToolbox2p1/setup folder, and (ii) copy the ___srgtsVersion___.mat file from the .../ SurrogatesToolbox2p1/setup to the .../ SurrogatesToolbox2p1/info folder.


[1] Gunn SR, Support Vector Machines for Classification and Regression, Technical Report, Image Speech and Intelligent Systems Research Group, University of Southampton, 1997.