What I Learned

Using the relevant course from the following list, copy and paste ten (10) different specific expectations from your course. For each of the 10 expectations, write a paragraph describing what it is you learned about that expectation, with some mention of the context of where or how you learned it.

Put the expectations in order.

(Note that you should have learned enough during the semester that you should not have to "re-use" content for more than one expectation!)

Note: any previous "What I Learned" tests will be a good place to start for this page.

Be sure your page is neatly formatted, as shown in this example:

A1.2 describe various standards for connecting computer components (e.g., parallel port, RS-232, USB, IEEE 1394, VGA, DVI);

During the digital overdrive computer component test I was exposed to naming the parts that computer components connect with, for example I now know that video cards are connected to a PCIe slot and not a PCI. I also learned that there are 3 different types of connectors on monitors, VGA, DVI, and a HDMI. Another thing I learnt about was a parallel port and that it is for old scanners and printers. (example is courtesy Phillip T)

To indent the paragraph as shown above, use the "Increase Indent" button on the menu bar (or Ctrl + ])