Data & Tools

Instructions for Obtaining the Datasets.

The datasets (training and test) are distributed through the META-SHARE platform.

Clicking on the direct link immediately redirects to the META-SHARE node where the dataset are stored.

To download the data, participants must register on the META-SHARE platform.

For problems in obtaining the data or any other issue, please contact

Test and Gold data for Main task and Pilot Task ARE NOW publicly available.

When using the datasets, please cite the following papers:

- Caselli, T., Lenzi, V. B., Sprugnoli, R., Pianta, E., and Prodanof, I. (2011). Annotating events, temporal expressions and relations in Italian: the It-TimeML experience for the Ita-TimeBank. In Proceedings of the 5th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (pp. 143-151). Association for Computational Linguistics. [bibtex] [pdf]

- Caselli, T., Sprugnoli, R., Speranza, M., and Monachini, M. (2014). EVENTI EValuation of Events and Temporal INformation at Evalita. In Proceedings of the First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistic CLiC-it 2014 & the Fourth International Workshop EVALITA 2014 Vol. II: Fourth International Workshop EVALITA 2014,, Pisa, C. Bosco, P. Cosi, F. Dell'Orletta, M. Falcone, S. Montemagni, M. Simi (eds.), Pisa University Press, 11 December 2014, Pisa, pp: 27-34 [pdf]

Test and Gold Data for Main Task — Link to the META-SHARE node to download the test and gold data for the Main Task.

Test and Gold Data for Pilot Task — Link to the META-SHARE node to download the test and gold data for the Pilot Task.

Training data EVENTI - Part 1 — Link to the META-SHARE node to download the first part of the training data set for the EVENTI Task. Data can be downloaded only by registered users on the META-SHARE platform.

Training data EVENTI - Part 2 — Link to the META-SHARE node to download the second part of the training data set for the EVENTI Task. Data can be downloaded only by registered users on the META-SHARE platform.