
What do Martin Luther King Jr., Bill McKibben, Cornell West, Stephen Colbert , Marilynne Robinson, Francis Collins , Bono, Dorothy Day, and Malcom Gladwell have in common?

They are all Christians.

I too am a Christian and believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I also am a social scientist and value reason and evidence.

I have found the resources below to be incredibly helpful, especially when I have wrestled with doubt.


Founded by Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, Biologos explores how faith and science are in harmony. The podcast will frequently invite scientists to discuss their faith.

Tim Keller

Keller brings a towering intellect and professorial approach to understanding the Christian faith. He is a prolific author and his sermons (which for the unintiated are similar to a college lecture) are made available on this podcast. For those exploring Christianity, I recommend The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism.

Rebecca Mclaughlin

Mclaughlin is a brillant writer and orator. She has spent an enormous amount of time at universities and colleges, and has listened carefully to the concerns raised by skeptics. Mclaughlin wrote Confronting Christianity to address a number of these issues. She has been a guest on a variety of podcasts as well.