Brody Data

Last update: February 15, 2011

Brody's 19th Century Surname List

Brody's 19th Century House number - Surname List

Brody in Google earth: Brody aerial map WWII; Brody street map

Printout of the lecture "Brody from the Partition of Poland Until WWI" (International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS) LA 2010)

Ner Tamid - Brody's Yizkor Book

Brody's vital records search tool - moved to Gesher Galicia

This data was indexed by: Ada Green, Alex Billig, Ami Elyasaf, Barry Scheer, Charles Mahler, Diana Sachsen, Hanna Palmon, Klaus Dunser, Lilian Schorr, Rosemary Eshel, Susanne Jakubowski, Yechezkel Anis in the memory of their Brody ancestors. (January 2009 - December 2010)

Information on database