Scroll down for the presentations of the Conference held on 1, 2 and 3 August 2012 at Emperor's Palace, Gauteng, in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the M.Ed (Computer-Integrated Education) of the University of Pretoria.

The theme was "The 'ADDIE model' - Alive and we


Topics and issues that do not fall under any of the above.


Instructional design models, design features, new features, specific designs for specific solutions. Design for Development. Specific designs, such as drills, tutorials, simulations, games

Development and Implementation

Recent developments, Development models and methodologies, site-specific implementations, large-scale implementations, implementations in developing countries, pilot implementations, demonstrations of prototypes, implementation of existing software, open source, social software.


Computer-based testing, evaluation of technologies such as clickers, whiteboards, simulators, etc.

Evaluation of software and its effect on learning, evaluation of implementations



This theme considers the context against which elearning developments take place. Target population analyses, student or learner profiles, cultural issues, developing countries, technology surveys, learning styles, teaching styles, demographic issues, etc.


The conference was structured around the "Addie" model of instructional design. Topics included...