UPNP server


Since version 4.0, MediaMonkey does include both a client and a server. Please avoid this plugin.


Like the UPNP client, this makes sure you can have a UPNP A/V Media Server.

The software is written in C# and compiled with VS C# Express 2008.

The UPNP browser side has been created via Intel's Tools for UPNP, now Developer's Tools for UPNP. The asynchronous HTTP server in order to serve files has been taken from this tutorial. Kudos for Asad Aziz for creating that tutorial.


This server uses the COM interface, and it is a little bit strange. The debugger complains, but so far, it does look OK. The server does not work with Xbox360, as the machine expects a particular implementation of the A/V Media Server. Some people have gone and hacked the browser server to make this work, but I do not feel like doing so.

DLNA does not provide specifications until paid, so this server is not DLNA certified.

The installer is stupid. I did not dwell so much as to find why it is so unfriendly. The server appears under the Microsoft group.

Some users have stated that this server does not work with Windows 7. Alternatives to this one is to use other UPNP framework, like Platinum. This means, move everything to old style C++. Because I have not grown up with Visual C++, I find documentation misleading me in most cases.

Devices known to work

Roku Soundbridge

MM UPNP Client (mine too!)

XBMC Atlantis (not all tags display correctly)


At least you need .NET 3.5. It comes with Vista and Windows 7.