Tagvaporator for your personalized - webliving- savings

Your Personal Savings Helper app has 1 menu where you find the "TAGVAPORATOR" for your free use

P.S. Helper app

App to produce O.W.s (digital savings objects)

Your created properties

O.W.s or digital savings tagvaporables objects

When you link money-to-money by datevaluation of any US$ 10.- parcel, you create 1 Owndated Webquantum which is a personal digital property for your bank-finantial-power. In fact, from yours digital savings properties you treat (by your authomatic BPaaS-Business Process as a free Servive) all the 4 stand alone parts of your money because you keep all it resources to better perform :

  1. Managing the monetary processable part of your money ;

  2. Managing the financial processable part of your money ;

  3. Collecting the benefits of the spiritual processable part of your money ;

  4. Getting more freedom of the #webmatic processable social part of your money.

Each Owndated Webquantum or 1TOC (Timestock Owned Currency) is a digital object which contain :

- the time charged at the web date of it creation ;

- the financial charged value of it webliving-savings in cash cell 10€ of dynamic reserve ;

- the encoded name of it creator and the registered ownership.

Each OW is a specif unit linked by your personal webcashmotor to the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor for sharing cash-production-cash-results.

All datevalors (not investors but datevalors - we are into Economy 4G3W) may use the tagvaporating function for linked money.

TIP: Tavaporating is a free add in the datevalors activity which means to webfish and to increase singularity and ordered definitions on free production webfactors (single order use, colors, pipes, rss, APML, Wordle, Socialwok, etc) and then inject them into some of their OWs looking for better perform the property value for dealing at the Timestock_Owned_Market.

P.S.Helper script

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeItSn7shZ8tDIaJeJDdKUfoo0GztarF9tKKGrfGy4eKKRulw/viewform?embedded=true" width="640" height="1697" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading…</iframe>


Is for yours freedom gains