Advisory Board

   Almo FARINA   |    Jérôme SUEUR    |    Stuart GAGE    |   Denise RISCH

   Susan FULLER   | Bernie KRAUSE  |   Diego LLUSIA  | David MONACCHI |   Gianni PAVAN  |  

President | Prof. Almo FARINA is a Professor of Ecology at the Department of Basic Sciences and Foundation of the University of Urbino, Italy. He has conducted investigations on how complexity operates across a range for ecological scales affecting the organization of communities, ecosystems and landscapes. In particular he has been interested on the organization of landscapes and how organisms perceive the surrounding complexity. During the last 10 years he has been working on the patterns and dynamics of the (bird) soundscapes developing new metrics (Acoustic complexity Index, ACI). He is author of SoundscapeMeter a plug-in of Wavesurfer for the processing of sound files.

Vice-President | Dr. Jérôme SUEUR is an Associate Professor at the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris France. He has been devoting his research to the description of animal diversity through acoustic methods. He first work on the behaviour and taxonomy of cicadas and then started to develop studies at a communit level developing acoustic indices for biodiversity assessment. He is also the author of seewave, an R package for sound analysis and synthesis. [website]

Secretary General | Prof. Stuart GAGE is an ecologist who has been working on soundscape ecology for about 15 years. Earlier he conducted research to investigate the role of birds as insect population regulators in the forests of eastern Canada. He is interested in the interface between biology and technology. The study of ecological acoustics has enabled Prof. Stuart Gage to record and analyze the soundscape in many places using automated sensors. These recordings are stored and are accessible in a digital acoustics library. [website]

Treasurer | Dr. Denise RISCH is a marine ecologist, interested in marine acoustic ecology from individual to population scales. Most of her work has been focused on the acoustic ecology of marine mammals, from ice-breeding seals to baleen whales, with a keen interest in assessing and understanding the impacts of anthropogenic noise on the marine environment. Her current work focuses on the assessment of underwater noise in relation to the offshore renewable energy industry. [website]

Councilor | Dr. Susan FULLER is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Earth, Environment and Biological Sciences at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. Susan’s research interests are varied and include soundscape ecology, ecosystem restoration and wildlife management (conservation biology and biosecurity). By incorporating elements of her research into her teaching, Susan’s passion for applied ecology has been transferred to QUT undergraduate and postgraduate students for more than ten years. [website]

Councilor | Dr. Bernie KRAUSE has traveled the world recording and archiving the sounds of animals and environments large and small. He identified the concept of biophony based on the relationships of individual species to the total biological soundscape as each establishes frequency and/or temporal bandwidth within a given habitat. Krause has produced over 50 natural soundscape CDs in addition to the design of interactive, non-redundant environmental sound sculptures for museums and other public spaces throughout the world. His recent book, The Great Animal Orchestra: Finding the Origins of Music in the World’s Wild Places was published has been translated into 7 languages. In July, 2014, the Cheltenham Music Festival premiered a new symphony composed by Richard Blackford and Krause, featuring the BBC National Orchestra of Wales.[website]

Councilor | Dr. Diego LLUSIA has PhD in Ecology by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the MNCN-CSIC, his research is focused on the role of environmental factors in the evolution of animal acoustic communication and the impacts of global change on the species' communicative strategies. Building a worldwide collaboration network, he has worked and published scientific papers with research teams from Europe,USA, Russia, China, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, South Africa, Morocco, among others." [website]

Councilor | Dr. David MONACCHI is sound artist, researcher and ecoacoustic composer. He has been developing his multidisciplinary project Fragments of Extinction for nearly 15 years, conducting field research in the world’s remaining areas of undisturbed primary equatorial rainforest. The recipient of multiple awards throughout Europe and North America, Monacchi is pioneering a new compositional approach based on 3D soundscape recordings of ecosystems to foster discourse on the biodiversity crisis through music and sound-art installations. A Fulbright fellow at UC Berkeley (CA) in 2007, he has taught at the University of Macerata (IT) since 2000 and is now professor of Electroacoustic Music Composition and Eco-acoustics at the Conservatorio “G. Rossini” of Pesaro (IT). [website]

Councilor | Prof. Gianni PAVAN is director of CIBRA (Centro Interdisciplinare di Bioacustica e Ricerche Ambientali) and Professor of Bioacoustics at the University of Pavia. He started to work on digital audio and computational bioacoustics in 1980. Professor of Ecology at the University IUAV of Venice (1994-2005), since then he joins his interest for bioacoustics with ecology and nature conservation. Now he is mainly concerned with the study and protection of terrestrial and marine soundscapes. Participates to international projects to monitor underwater noise and marine mammals sounds. To study soundscapes he develops dedicated hardware and software tools. [website]