Family photos

Mr. and Mrs. E. Kelly - (Grandparents of Evelyn Albright)

dated August 24, 1903

Fred Albright and friends (Fred is 3rd from left)

Top photo: Mrs. Slaight, (Aunt Jen) Evelyn Kelly's grandmother.

Inscription on back: For Dear Samuel. June 15, 1886

Fourth Year Class Executive. Fall Term, Victoria College, 1911.

Evelyn Kelly, Assistant Historian is on back row, first on the left, . Hazel Farley, (Evelyn's friend) is on back row, second from the right

Bottom: Jenny Slaight (Evelyn Kelly's mother) age 17

Kelly family: Rev. S. Judson and Mrs Kelly, Ora and Evelyn

Ora and Evelyn Kelly

Rev. Judson (Evelyn Kelly's father)

Ora Belle Kelly (Ritchie) - (Evelyn Kelly's sister)