Privacy Policy

While using the app, non-personal anonymous data may be collected by the application through Google Analytics, such as make and model of the device, operating system on it, city-level location etc. This data will not be shared to third-party by Developer, while the Developer assumes no responsibility of the usage of this data by Google. This privacy policy may change at any time, with or without prior notification. By using the application, you agree to this policy and to understated terms of use.

Terms of Use:

The developer is providing this application on an as-is basis, with no responsibility for any damage to the device being used on which may or may not arise due to the application. Developer has taken utmost care to provide the best experience to the user, but takes no liability for continued development and support for the application.

Data Collection and Deletion:

The app may maintain a history of your activity within the app. Such data can be deleted by clearing the app's data on your device. Some non-personal data such as your interactions with the app pages, crash & diagnostic data are recording using analytics services and not shared to any other service other than the analytics provider collecting such data. This data is not available to us at a user-level and hence not possible to delete from analytics provider servers. We have no way of knowing which analytics data belongs to which user. We may provide an analytics opt-out in future update.