
Very simple tutorial

(only to start, plaese re-check this page in future)

1) Assure that your http server (e.g.: Apache):

a) is configured to handle CGI script (normally http servers handle CGI script by default);

b) has "PATH" and "HOME" vars already set (otherwise set them in your CGI script) -see examples here - ;

2) Assure that easybashweb (located normally in "/usr/local/bin") is in a directory inside the PATH (otherwise set it in your CGI script in this way: PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin" ) -see examples here - ;

3) Assure that your CGI script is executable (chmod 755 "[script name]" ) and is in proper CGI directory (normally is "/var/www/cgi-bin", otherwise check your http server configuration).

4) Finally, you would go in that web page through your browser at URL "http://[your server address]/cgi-bin/[your script name]"

Enjoy !