The coming Ice Age

Hendrik Dirker thesis

source: WorldWideWeb c.2010 - 2020 email:

Mainstream doctrine is fundamentally erred regarding the frequency, duration and most significantly, the source of an Ice Age... "change in Earth's orbit around the Sun" is a fallacy, likewise diminished Solar output as a cause - our planet, in fact, experiences cyclical catastrophism.

Ice ages can be accurately predicted: a distinct quarter of every precession cycle -- constituting six and a half millennia -- when Earth is tilted over. During this timespan glaciation is generated to maximum extent, from one Pole alternately. Each incur winter freezing and consecutive summer thawing - both seasons extreme and fluctuating between the North & South hemispheres respectively. Concurrent with six months of ice build up, massive meltdown is triggered - repeatedly, the severity thereof crushes mankind. Obfuscate, a perturbed spin axis is the only mechanism whereby glacial advance and retreat, attested by geological record, can be justified. We can conclude that each and every Ice Age, is a consequence of and regulated by change in obliquity of Earth's axis of rotation. Deceptive however, since any trace of such in core records is eradicated by rapid melt -- anually -- subsequent to equally rapid glacial formation.

Recalling a blast from the past, the single landmass theory -- India breaking free and drifting... to its current location and status of Peninsula to the Asian Continent -- is obsolete 18th Century, Royal Society et al, logic: the Himalya formation fairytale

In actual fact, the Himalayan rim arose in an almighty space impact - the shuddering upheaval formed the Tarim depression and lay waste to much of Central Asia. This calamity (not the theorized event implicating Chicxulub, Mexico) triggered extinction of the Dino's... furthermore, committing Earth to an eternal 'wobble'. Estimated 350km wide, the projectile made a crater some 1400 x 2100 km. It changed the length of day, adding one minute (approximation), by commencing a counter-revolution.

Earth completes one forward revolution Eastward around its polar axis in 1 day of 24 hours, which equate to 1440' minutes and one orbit of the Sun (Solar Year) in 1 year of 365,25 days. Earth's second revolution (acquired some 65mya), was induced extra terrestrially -- slamming into our planet on a low trajectory West by South-West -- thereby rotating it, in an overriding action, at diagonal to regular Easterly spin.

Some 25920 years, comprising 9.467.280 days, is the general assumption pertaining duration of precession. If this rate is applied fractionally, for instance at 1° in 71,5 years (26115 days..), such would amount to 25740 years (9.401.535 days). The number of days, at 26115, multiplied by 360° equates to 9.401.400 minutes, which demonstrates that the accumulative 'day change factor' is reconcilable with a precession cycle. Earth rotates simultaneously -- at different speed, around two separate hubs -- in opposing directions. Although such exist in physics, there are no actual axles.

Aquired by momentum transferred in colliding with the object -- evidently not a product of Solar-Lunar gravity -- the retrograde rotation advances the Equinox 2x 180°. Ever-so-slowly circumscribing the Globe North-Easterly, thus determining the perpendicular focus of Sol. The rearward motion gyrates Earth's axis, gradually, changing its orientation -- true Polar wander -- however, also incurring change of obliquity. In conjunction with Earth's plane of orbit around the Sun, the oblique slant of the polar axis is crucial in governing the N & S latitude limits, by which the ensuing path of the Sun traverse the equator. Progressively changing in the course of every SolarYear, subsequently re-distributing Sunlight, whereby climate is regulated.

Neither Solar radiation outputs, nor supposed variance in eccentricity of Earth's orbit, factor in driving climate. Spanning one quarter of every cycle, our World's axis is exceedingly declined -- such as what occurred from 17450 BC to 10970 BC -- i.e. midway of last GlacialMaximum was 14210 BC. Again due 25920 years hence, therefore the next peak...11710 AD. Similar to our two principal seasons, related conditions prevail either side of their respective turnaround point. The 'YoungerDryas' was in fact a natural progression in the course of these events. Moreover, contra to what authorities advocate, glacial and intermediate periods constitute millennia, not millions of years.

Consequent with Earth rotating rearward, shifting the equinox around the ecliptic, the polar axis changes orientation into space. Midway of the revolution, it slants 180° in the opposite direction - orbiting the Sun in such manner. Traditionally, true Polar wander is deemed to occur concentric around the EclipticPole, in an arc 47° in diameter, associated with obliquity maintaining a fairly consistent angle in the 23° range. I argue contrary: gyration revolve the Poles in circles of 72° diameter and non-concentric respective the EP - with apogee of 58° & 14° perigee.

Path of the Pole respective EclipticPole

Demonstrably, precession occurs non-parallel to the ecliptic, therefore, respective the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun, the 'rise and fall' of the polar axis changes orientation from 32° to 104°. Inversely, w.r.t. the vertical, obliquity ranges from 14° on one side of the EclipticPole, to 58° diametrically opposite. The sum thereof comprises the parameters of true Polar wander - being the two turnaround points, 180° opposed and 13 millennia apart. Earth's relationship with the Sun radically alters thereby, therefore distribution of Sunlight accordingly, in tandem with the variable separation distance of Solstice limits North & South of the equator, .

"The operations of the powers, that rule and work in Heaven... brought down to Earth below"... Hermes Trismegistus

The changing location of stars portray motion (ref. MICA co-ordinates compiled by the US Military Naval Observatory). The star pattern -- a product of Earth's retrograde rotation -- portrays a two dimensional plane. Incurring of three dimensions, change in the slant of the polar axis is not conspicious. Precession occurs at a very slow rate, therefore, recorded for an adequate period of time, such will be apparent in changing co-ordinates respective the entire celestial canopy.

The Dragon is sovereign of 'the still point' - the perpendicular pole to Earth's parabolic orbit of the Sun. Luni-Solar precession theory predict the polar axis changing orientation, at parallel to the ecliptic plane, whereby the North Pole alignment circumscribes this constellation (dotted circle) and that Thuban becomes a pole star. It actually traverses Draco. Transposed on this location, Earth's axial gyration -- forming two inverted cones -- revolve the Poles in 72° diameter circles. Crossing over with the EclipticPole at centre, the two interlocking arcs form a Vesica Pisces. In a perpetual chase of its tail -- a consequence of Earth's rearward revolution -- the Serpent, manifest in symbolism, is sole occupant of the EP.

Then, with minimum obliquity closing in, beta Draconis is targeted by the polar axis, followed by a close encounter with zeta Draconis, whereupon the reptilian constellation is entwined at the hub of diurnal spin. As such, attaining dual power -- in effect rotating directionally opposed respective the CP -- thereby signifying the crest of an era associated with stability. Repudiating the arc projected by the classical model, the star Thuban is never engaged by axial alignment - not even close.

The impact-induced revolution is reconcilable with the star motion trend and tempo & classical precession is relegated to bunk... Astronomical evidence abound, not the least of which attested by the veritable impact site and moreover corroborated by annular SolarEclipse - a rare occurrence that coincides with Solstice. Academic theory relating to angular momentum physics, accordingly await a revision insofar fundamental laws respective extra-terrestrial dimensional dynamics. Another frequently encountered statement, exemplifying how poorly mainstream grasp elementary Earth matters: "The North Pole moved geographically from Greenland to its present position in the Arctic Sea…

What actually takes place, is the Globe tips over as a cohesive mass, which alters orientation of its rotational axis, thereby shifting the Poles - relative to space. Orbiting the Sun in this manner, results in summer thawing whereby one hemisphere sheds ice, entirely. This constitutes massive melt-down and expansive build-up, simultaneously, on opposite sides of the equator. Intense for some 6500 years and recurring at intervals of 19500 years, it impacts our entire habitat - driving the Earth system and changing the landscape, to which chaotic hydro erosion is a major contributor. Comparable to a lake varying in depth, mountain ranges are periodically etched in accordance with sheet ice levels. Ref. my on-location geomorphology report:

"World climate variability, through historical and geological time, enter vitally into the complete and reasoned description of landscape - every landscape is conditioned by climate."

Practical Knowledge For All - volume six - The Waverly Book Company, London

Humanity is oblivious of what lies in wait during the next two millennia: in progress... the Sun migrates 15° closer to polar latitudes. This phase of the Earth system entails relentless escalation in changing weather and sea level rise in an opening act to the pending critical quarter. The impact model is harmoneous with the rate of historic sea levels and corroborates the timeline -actually, there have been four ice ages during the past 100.000 years... Looking back, max. glacial was attained 91970 years ago, again 66050 BCE, the penultimate ice age 40130 BCE following which, events subsequent:

27170 BCE☆penultimate stable peak (14°obliquity) retracted polar ice circles

20690 BCE - thawing, oscillating melt... flooding (Sun perpendicular N.H.)

17450 BCE - beginning of IceAge

14210 BCE☆LGM midway 58°obliquity EQUINOX alternating polar ice

10970 BCE - glacial retreat... rising sea level

7730 BCE - post IceAge sea level stabilize (Sun in S.Hemisphere)

1250 BCE☆stable peak 14°obliquity EQUINOX 2x long term ice caps

2020 CurrentEra - Sun in N.Hemisphere, rising sea level... inundation pending

8470 IceAge commences (our civilization perish prior)

11710 next GlacialMax. peak EQUINOX 58°obliquity

Earth's changing exposure to Sunlight forces climate to change. NASA concur with the Sun being the primary cause of variability in the Earth system. However, the science behind the opinion -- chiefly attributable to 'the Milankovitch effect' -- is lacking insofar the true scope of Earth orital mechanics and apparently indifferent to empirical research. Whether on grounds of what I advocate convincingly challenges the paradigm pertaining the climate phenomenon, alternatively an agenda -- political, commercial, or pertaining the Antarctic Continent -- the glaring disregard implies questionable ethics. Whatever regrettable motive or neglect, such arouses suspicion of a deliberate cover up ...

Non-withstanding whichever self-serving interests may be at work, considering actual contemporary real-world events in progress, all counter-measures directed at 'man-made input' in context of AGW, is not only ineffectual but completely futile. Freezing is preceded by unrestrained thawing of ice sheets, subjecting low lying land to multitude breaches by flooding, as the sea volume swells to apocalyptic level. Ref. precession phases image: my assertions are based upon the observable and a four dimensional model - the veracity of which remains uncontestable.

(informative also in context of temperature: GHMB)


- - - - - - - - - tear & retain as proof - - - - - - - - -

With the advent of an ice age, a life sustainable zone is essentially restricted to the tropics, as they are demarcated in the current era, however, subject to ecosystem variables due to evolving climate and weather forcing. The bulk of this region comprises ocean and beyond that, the severest of inhospitable conditions - glacial risk, from the Pole extending to the 40th parallel. North America, Scandinavia, Britain, northern parts of Europe and Asia freeze over, with remaining suitable habitation slight: restricted to Mediterranean sided Europe, Africa... and trans-Arabia by extension, the Fertile Crescent into Southern Asia.

The demographics are perhaps better understood against current geopolitical strategies competing over Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan - wedged in by Pakistan, highly populated India and China, with Russia encroached by ice from the North. The Central Americas and Australasian territories will be temperate also, however, low lying areas will be compromised by becoming inundated.

Where everyone could go defies comprehension. In the not so distant future, the Earth system becomes irregular and the conveniences, currently enjoyed in abundance, will be unobtainable. Agricultural produce for masses will be challenged by many altered factors. Various further implications may arise, however, the most dire of conditions imaginable will cause much suffering among ever dwindling survivors - in an endless duel with eking out an existence. The infrastructure and resources that our society have grown accustomed to, will collapse.

In short space of time, following a long evolution of great toil and strife, modern mankind has attained brilliance, yet, face a grim future and subjection to very dark ages that cannot be prevented but merely prepared for, against bleakest of odds. In the cyclical rise and fall of civilization, retention of knowledge and technological mastery is imperative for any ambitions of ever inhabiting the Universe - an inevitable demand.

Present day society could influence the catastrophic destiny of their progeny, however, implications in great multitude, require adaptation of the entire world culture - a change of mindset. Not to mention withdrawel & revision of countless scientific papers - a threat to careers, pensions and egos. Time is of essence and humanity -- consumed by greed & depraved of honour -- I am dismayed at having to acknowledge, is incapable of such...

It is regrettable to be the bearer of such tidings, the apocalyptic demise of our civilization is imminent and anthropogenic global warming irrelevant - veritable, the evidence is overwhelming.