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This site analyzes the use of SNPs for several main M44 Phelps lines of colonial southern America: James of Caswell Co, NC, d. 1786; Thomas of Albemarle Co, VA, d. 1751; Thomas Felps of Baltimore Co, MD; and other lines that are becoming apparent such as Pond. No genealogy has been found to connect these lines (2016).

Please review the indexed topics on the left.

This site is an enhancement of yDNA STRs for these Phelps as seen at the Phelps yDNA project. After many years of working with STRs on this particular M44 E1a1 haplogroup line, it became clear that STRs were not sufficiently definitive. (We have found two situations where repetitive STR values appear to describe a family branch.) During 2015 and 2016 a number of these Phelps did Big Y tests at FTDNA with followup at Yfull.com for analysis, and Yseq.com for specific SNP tests. Early on, Ray Banks of ISOGG did SNP analysis of the Big Y tests.

For a review of our past work, a summary table of the STRs at the FTDNA yDNA table is here: As you will see there, STRs have been of minimal little help in defining family branches.

Here is a report on a successful genealogical use of SNPs: ADVANCED Y-DNA TESTINGFOR THE ACREE ONE-NAME STUDY

Be sure to visit the related Archived yDNA Phelps Genealogies at this location. The current STR FTDNA site is at this location.

Please revisit this page and the other sites for updates that are planned.