John James Dundas Collection

On September 22, 2011, I visited the Enniskillen Public Library in Co. Fermanagh to view an incredible donation from John James Dundas of Rooskey House, Drumcose. John had been researching the origins of the Dundas of Fermanagh for many years and amassed books from all over the world relating to Dundas history. The conclusion of his research was in the form of Family Tree Charts of the various lines in Co. Fermanagh. The books he collected, during the course of his research, were donated for others to use in the course of Dundas research. They are being cataloged and placed on shelves in the research area on the 2nd floor by Robena Elliott. In addition, I will add a section here with the inventory. Shown to the left is John's Index.These books must be viewed in Enniskillen. They will not be available for inter-library loan. Included were "Dundas Letters" and "Arniston Memoirs". Here is a link to the Catalog of this impressive collection of 200 books:

Just type in "Dundas Collection" in the "by title" Search Box. You do not have to register or be a member to see the Catalog and descriptions of the books. You also do not have to be a Library Member to see these books in Enniskillen.

This is an extensive collection of Scottish history and the impact of many Dundas movers and shakers. There are books about most Dundas branches.

Always "ring" the library first to arrange the viewing at (028) 6632 2886.

Plan at least 2 days at the library to thoroughly review this collection. Also, while there, look at the David R. Elliott collection of Fermanagh Graveyard Inscriptions. These very detailed booklets are also on the 2nd Floor or they can be ordered from him at


In addition to the library collection, the Family Tree Charts are archived at the Enniskillen Castle Museum. I viewed John James' charts and also notebooks from Canon William Harloe Dundas, an early researcher of the Dundas families in Fermanagh.

He was also meticulous in his earlier documentation of the Dundas families of Fermanagh.

Together, these two Enniskillen locations are prime research sites for any future researchers.

Similarly ring the Enniskillen Castle first so they may prepare the Family Tree documents and notebooks for display, (028) 6632 5000.