Robotic Systems Engineering

Robotic Systems Engineering

This page contains snapshots of a long history of robotics designing, building, implementation, and passion.

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A. Robotics course projects performed by teams of students for community entities:

1. Sparky II, in collaboration with MSPE.

(Pictures)2. Mobile CNC machines with touch screens, in collaboration with MSPE. 3. Plasma cutter automation, joint with EGR 450. (More Pictures)4. Flexible manufacturing system using three Motoman arms. 5. Haptic arms sensing and responding to forces. 6. Automation of brake core production for an an industrial customer (winner of the second place award in the ASME-IMECE students manufacturing design competition).7. Automation of fuel pump production for an industrial customer. 8. Wheel chair adapter for automation, joint project between multiple courses. B. Robotics for competitions by professional engineering organizations:1. Mars Rover (2009 ASME District B student design competition, 3rd place award). See also: Mars rover report.2. Writing robot, in collaboration with MSPE.

3. Window cleaning robot (2008 ASME District B student design competition, 2nd place award, winner of best project at the school of engineering of GVSU projects day April 2008).