Summer Camp Info and Forms

Due to the risks and restrictions in place due to Covid-19, we will be following all protocols to keep everyone safe.

OTHER PROGRAMMING: Our Parent and Child Yoga Sessions have been on hold until restrictions ease so we can set them up. Check here for info on that as things change. We did receive funding and now just have to wait until things are possible to schedule spaces to bring this programming to two or three different locations in Charlotte County.

We charge far below the actual cost of providing a great summer camp experience with a personal assistant, but if you can't manage our fee, please contact us using the form below. There is no means test.

We offer day camps only so check out the link below if you don't live within easy driving distance, there are camping and motel/hotel rooms available. Also, please note since we serve Charlotte County, preference is given to those in our area but if spots are available, we will accept youth and young adults from outside our area.

PDF files to print out, fill in, and return to us by mail, email, or in person (arranging an appointment may be necessary.)


Camp Brochure 2021.pdf