Private William McClure

The following text records the exchanges of email in November 2018, between Iain McClure, John Tustin (DLOY website) and Graham Taylor. Iain had discovered information on this website regarding his Gr Gr Uncle, Pte William McClure who was killed whilst serving in the DLOY in WWI.

William McClure

110604 William McClure

Mcclure Iain <>


Good evening,

I would like to extend my gratitude and thanks to those that did the 2018 tour to the WW1 battlefields.

To say I was overwhelmed is an understatement, in particular, reference to my Gt Gt Uncle Wm McClure who died 30.3.17, in the France /Belgium Trip 2018 Post 19.

I can provide more information as to William's personal details and service and documented evidence almost to the exact time he lost his life, he was actually 38 yrs old at his time of death.

Based on the information I have, I find it hard to believe that he is possibly in an unmarked grave at best.

All I can say is thank you for remembering my Uncle, I know it is heartfelt, keep up the good work lads,


Iain McClure

Area Manager West Scotland

07825 353839

Mcclure Iain

17 Nov 2018, 13:39 (9 days ago)

to me

Hello John,

Thanks for your prompt reply!

I will indeed forward a report on William that I had done. You can extract whatever information you want once I get time to put it together, and will confirm his personal details also.

Having had a good rummage through your fantastic website I could not believe my eyes when I read Captain F N Percival's account from the Somme, in particular chapter 2 Skirmishes With The Hun Part 2.

On the entry dated March 31st he mentions William being killed, I was completely transported in my mind to that moment in time and dumbfounded!

He is referred unusually as Cpl McClure.

In the war diary of which I have a copy, it also mentions him as Cpl, although the dairy has the date as 30th March.

I will be in touch again with William's account,

Kind Regards,


From: Mcclure Iain

Sent: 21 November 2018 15:56

To: 'John Tustin' <>

Subject: RE: 4098 /110604 William McClure

Hi John,

Please find attached report & documentary info for William, please feel free to use & share what you want.

As one of William’s Gt Gt Nephews, the journey into finding out more about him came about when I did the McClure family tree some years ago. I always wanted to know his story so set about doing this in 2014. I myself was born in Kilmarnock and still live here with my wife and two sons and it makes me proud to see his name on the Kilmarnock war memorial. It is my intention that someday soon I will visit the Somme region and Thiepval, in particular, to pay my respects to those who fell.

William was born 7th Aug 1878 in New Cumnock Scotland & as a very young child moved to Kilmarnock with his family, he was the eldest of six children. According to our records, he was a grocer & a blacksmith in Kilmarnock before joining the DLOY. He joined the DLOY voluntarily around 15th April 1915 and was registered as Private 4099. This was before conscription was introduced & wonder what drew him to the DLOY regiment in particular, whether it be through friends or family we don’t know.

There is no evidence that William ever married, although he did have a daughter Jeannie Irvine McClure who was born in 1900!

As per the attached report and also mentioned by Graham [Taylor], we do not have any of his military records and suspect these were destroyed during WW2. Fortunately, the records of a Charles Edis were found who joined as Private 4098, so would be a reasonable assumption that William’s movements were very similar.

Unusually for a non commissioned rank in the diary entry No 23 30th March he is mentioned by name Cpl McClure, also in Capt Percival’s diary, he is again mentioned.

The question I ask is why on the medal role & index card he is still referred to as Private when clearly the diary states Corporal. Would this have been a temporary rank ie was this normal during active service?

Hopefully the report makes for an interesting read, unfortunately, I do not have any pictures of William only pictures of one of his brothers (my Gt Grandfather). If you ever come across any other info it would be great to hear from you,


Best regards

Iain McClure

Graham Taylor

Wed, 21 Nov, 23:24

Hi Iain,

Ref William’s medal index card. The details on it are incomplete; it should show the date he was KIA and also the code (should state 1a, France & Flanders) of the first operational theatre of war he entered along with the date. If William was promoted to Cpl then that info could be missing as well. They normally show promotions. Having said that the Regimental history shows his rank as Private as does the 'Soldiers Died in the Great War' list and also the British War Medal & Victory Medal Roll (awarded on 20 Sept 1920) has his rank as Pte. We will not have definitive proof as his service records are not available to view.



Advance to: Research Report and Documents on Private William McClure