Sgt Barbara (Babs) Priestley

Under construction

Early days with DLOY Pte Priestley receives cup (pistol) 

from C.O. Lt Col David Claxton. 

Also featured RSM WO1 J Morrow 9/12 L  and WO2 Roy Gorton.

The Queens speaks with Sgt Barbara Priestley during walkabout, 29th June 1985

Sgt Priestley receives Lord Lieutenant's Certificate from Simon Towneley.

Cpl Babs Priestley + Maj Gen Michael Hicks GOC NWDist

Leek Training Area 1980

(Prep for EX MARBLE TOR)


Sgt Priestley with RSM Backhouse - Museum Opening, Preston 1984

The brief opportunity for a little R&R

L to R: Sgt Bradshaw ...............................................................................................................

"Old Commrades Dinner"  (Year, location - Wigan ARC?)

 (L to R), Pauline Savage, Ann Jones, Barbara Priestley and Margaret Bradshaw 

Any further details,  please let me know at