Social Scene 1980s

DLOY Social Life

Dinner awaits!

DLOY Social Life

L to R: John Eastham, Eddie Sheen, Dick Heaton

DLOY Social Life

At Leighton Hall

DLOY Social Life

Pre dinner drinks

DLOY Social Life

Diane Tustin & Joan Davey (sisters-in-law)

DLOY Social Life

Regimental Surgeon Maj Cliff Godby with wife and guests

DLOY Social Life

Lt David Hewitt and guests

DLOY Social Life
DLOY Social Life

Adjutant Alastair Wicks and 2Lt Julian Garewal

DLOY Social Life

CO Col Dick Ferguson and 2IC Maj Brandon Fowden at Lune Point-to-Point

DLOY Social Life

SSgt Murphy running the tent at Lune Point-to-Point

DLOY Social Life

Siggy Stocker & John Tustin off to Cavalry Memorial weekend

DLOY Social Life

'B' Sqn champion football team

DLOY Social Life
DLOY Social Life
DLOY Social Life

Maj John John Patterson (mess treasurer, Diane & John Tustin, Stephanie Bird & JB Cavanagh