DLOY Officers Voryd Camp Near Rhyll

The Officers, Rhyl Camp, North Wales, 1908

The officers are in Camp Church Parade Order. The dark blue forage caps introduced in 1903 have scarlet bands and piping and the black leather peaks have gold braided edges for field officers, while all have gilt badges and buttons. Also introduced in 1903 were the scarlet surge patrol jackets which had dark blue collars with crimson and gold Lancaster Rose badges, pointed blue cuffs, shoulder chains and blue buttons. The dark blue overall trousers have broad yellow cloth stripes and the kit is completed by wellington boots with box spurs, tan wrist gloves and walking sticks. Sam Browne belts were also generally worn in this order. In 1909, plain all-blue caps were substituted for those described above.

Pte "De Courcy" 1908 DLOY
Sgt John Holden 13thH