
An assorted collection of tiny utilities and half-finished experiments. Do not be surprised if most things here do nothing useful or even refuse to compile/run. Note that I have specifically excluded any sources that might have some relevance to my current job.

    • HFindDups - A tool to detect unique and duplicated files in a set of directories. In Haskell (rewrite of an older attempt in Java).
    • par_sudoku - An experiment to write a Sudoku solver in Erlang, using parallel backtracking. (Actually, there is also a sequential backtracking implementation inside, with the idea to do some comparisons some day...)
    • SplitDir - A small tool to move files around between 2 directory trees while keeping the same directory structure. In C#. (Note that the current source is not completely portable, as it uses SHFileOperation from SHELL32.DLL. This should be relatively easy to fix, if we do not mind losing some of the extra features.)
    • JSdumpObjGraph - An experiment to make a dump of a JavaScript object graph, with loop and sharing detection.
    • ProCmp - An experimental translator from Prolog to vanilla Pascal. In Prolog, work in progress.

You can find here my submission to the ICFP2008 Contest.

Look here for the sources accompanying my PhD thesis.