
For current information, please see http://distalgo.cs.stonybrook.edu/ 

A write up is yet to be provided.

Please refer to the following papers for now:

From Clarity to Efficiency for Distributed Algorithms (OOPSLA 2012)

(DistAlgo language, compilation, optimization, implementation, and experiments with a dozen examples)

High-Level Executable Specifications of Distributed Algorithms (SSS 2012)

(Methods for writing high-level specifications, with most of multi-Paxos as a main example)

From Clarity to Efficiency for Distributed Algorithms (arXiv 2014, revised 2017, TOPLAS 39(3) 2017)

(Extended description of DistAlgo language and method, with a formal operational semantics)

Moderately Complex Paxos Made Simple: High-Level Specification of Distributed Algorithms (arXiv 2017)

(Basic Paxos and Multi-Paxos algorithms for distributed consensus written in DistAlgo)

Tutorials given at conferences:

Tutorial at PPoPP 2014

Tutorial at SPLASH 2014

Tutorial at PODC 2017 (slides)

Lamport's distributed mutual exclusion algorithm in DistAlgo: