Heiser Christmas Letter December 1995

We attended the ninth anniversary of the Great Peace March, in Carpinteria, since we won’t be able to attend next summer’s reunion in Iowa. It was fun to see the marchers again. Peter, who showed us the basics of speed walking, (useful when traversing the States!) allowed us to try out his invention, a motorized recumbent tricycle. We had the pleasure of seeing two of the event organizers, Madonna Newburg and Marian Anderson, at Westchester/Marina Del Rey Symphony concerts off and on through the six years Loretta has played the cello there, although it took accidentally sitting next to Dick to finally recognize Loretta on stage.

Unfortunately, Loretta has not done many cello performances since May, due to a frozen shoulder. With a lot of physical therapy and daily exercise, the problem is improving and she hopes to get back to quartet and orchestral jobs in the new year. An electronic piano with several hundred vocal and instrumental combinations, teaching cello students, and other creative projects keep her busy during her healing process.

Next summer, we’re planning to go on an Elderhostel bicycle tour in Holland. We’re suddenly old enough. Imagine that! Practically senior citizens already.

This year has been very satisfying for Dick. He has a brilliant new buddy at school name of Alan, Photoshop course going well, interesting nice students. We’ve settled into school life very comfortably; we even enjoy the dances. There’s plenty of time to surf the Web, and Dick has a new Macintosh to play with. Life is good.

We hope you and your loved ones enjoy a safe and warm holiday together, and that 1996 is filled with love, joy and peace!