Instructional/Development Workshops

I create and facilitate a variety of workshops on teaching, learning and human development. Among these are:

- Engaging Students: A hands-on guide to increasing student learning

- Assessing and Evaluating Student Learning - It can be painless!

- Planning Sensory-Rich Lessons for Grades K-8

- Why Won’t My Students Talk? Facilitating group discussion and collaboration

- Active Learning with Classes of Any Size

- Assessing Student Performance in Group Work

- Super Syllabi: Designing a useful guide to your course

- How Am I Doing? Collecting, understanding and responding to student mid-term feedback

- Addressing Emotionally-Laden Topics in the Classroom

- The Ethics of Teaching: Responding constructively to complex situations

- Meeting the Office Hour Challenge: Fostering learning outside the classroom

-Promoting Student Ethical Awareness and Action

- Creating an Environment for First Generation College Student Success

- Effective Advising = Better Dissertations: Supervising students writing dissertations

-Improvisation Skills for Instructors

- Promoting Religious Literacy

- When Religion Surfaces in Class: From Conflict to Engagement

- Classroom Peer Observation and Feedback

Community and student workshops include:

- Tools for Tough Decision-Making: Clarifying your personal ethical values

- Creative Ways to Manage Life Transitions

- Friends for Life: The Benefits of Friendships Throughout the Life Span

- Improve Your Success by Raising Your Religion IQ: A workshop on Religious Literacy