Soap Bar (recycle)

On this page you will find information about how to recycle soap bars. It can be recycling left over from your soaps or you might want to do it to mold the soap into new fun shapes.

Use the information at your own risk. Please let us know what you think.


1- Soap ( can be a new bar or used ones, even small pieces)

2- Pan

3- Glycerin (can be oil of your choice)

4- Grater

5- Food color

6- Soap mold

What you do:

1- Grate soap using Grater

2- Pour glycerin in the pan (try to cover the bottom of the pan- I do 10 g glycerin for 80 g soap)

3- Add grated soap and put the pan on stove on medium heat (do not let it boil lower the heat if it is necessary, wait until soap is melted)

4- Add food color and stir

5- Pour the melted soap in the mold
