
Working Papers

We exploit housing lotteries in Brazil to study the impacts of a large-size housing program on labor market outcomes. Combining data from several administrative registries, we track monthly outcomes for 700,000 lottery applicants, 35,000 of whom won a housing lottery.  We assess the effects of winning a lottery on labor supply and entrepreneurship. We find a small, negative impact on formal employment.  The effects are stronger for male lottery winners living in smaller cities. We do not find any impact on the likelihood of formalizing small-size firms. The results suggest that the thicker labor markets of larger cities may work as a buffer to mitigate the network disruption of living in remotely located housing projects. Wealth and income effects from the housing program allowed winners of remote projects to buy motorcycles to reduce transportation time costs to formal job opportunities. 


 Using admission lotteries and registry data linking labor market outcomes, we study the effect of a vocational training program focused on disadvantaged individuals in Brazil. The intensive program is an 18-month classroom training coupled with a 6-month on-the-job training provided by government-sponsored training centers. When assessing the impacts on 15,000 winners and 200,000 nonwinners who graduated in different business cycle moments, we show that female students fare better than their male counterparts. Results are driven by courses in services and those located in faster-growing local labor markets. Investigating outcomes beyond employment and earnings, we do not find an impact on entrepreneurship or university admission.

 This paper studies how production responses from agricultural commodity booms affect greenhouse gas emissions, the primary cause of climate change. We show that Brazilian localities more exposed to booms substantially increase deforestation and agricultural fires, leading to higher emissions. The effects are significantly higher in Brazil’s major biomes, including the Amazon. Commodity booms also induce production responses toward lower emissions, such as higher output per area. Taking into account higher- and lower-emission production responses, localities present an increase in net emissions. Moreover, our findings highlight that positive economic shocks may have unintended consequences, as high-exposed localities present lower compliance with a climate policy aiming at boosting conservation.     

 We provide evidence of how technological progress affects greenhouse gas emissions. Using a dynamic difference-in-differences design, we show that producers in Brazilian localities with high suitability for genetically engineered seeds increase crop output by substituting away from higher-emission activities (such as livestock breeding). This increase in crop output is not accompanied by deforestation and fires---two major greenhouse gas emitters. Further, our findings indicate that the agriculture sector presents lower carbon intensity: emissions per output decreased by 30% after the land-use change promoted by the introduction of genetically engineered seeds. Our evidence suggests that technological innovations can decouple production from emissions. 

 This paper seeks to understand how local government policies on housing stimulus and city growth are affected by intergovernmental transfers. Cities receiving smaller amounts of fiscal transfers may have more incentives to stimulate housing growth to increase local revenue and, as a result, they end-up attracting more people and having a faster-growing housing sector. By contrast, lack of windfalls may also generate lower provision of local public goods, emigration of current residents, and stagnated housing markets. Quasi-experimental evidence from the distribution of intergovernmental transfers to Brazilian municipalities shows that locations less dependent on federal grants have a faster-growing housing sector.

Publications and Forthcoming Papers

Paper: Link, Version

Paper: Link,  WP Version, Twitter thread  

Paper: Link, Version 

Paper: Link, Version, Twitter thread

Research Summary published at the IDB: Research Insights  

Paper: Link, Version

Paper: Link

Paper: Link

Companion video "Oil and gas wells in Brazil":

Research Summary published in the IMF Research Bulletin: Link

Paper: Link, Version

Media Briefing: Link

NBER Working Paper: Link 

Work in Progress

Low-Cost Management Consulting and Firm Productivity (with L. Mation)

AEA Registry: link 

Video explaining the research project: link  

Breaking Up: Do Smaller Jurisdictions Provide Better Services (with M. Castro)

Labor Market Policies and Informality (with L. Brotherhood, N. Guner, P. Kircher, C. Santos)

Housing and Mental Well-being during Pressing Times: Experimental Evidence from Brazilian Slums (with G. Avelino, L. Bueno, N. Bueno, C. Biderman)

Do Job Placement Services Unleash the Benefits from Job Training? (with R. Oliveira)