
Why Oblivion Sucks

Part 7 - Lore

Oblivion is not consistent with past Elder Scrolls games in terms of lore.  Many facts and traits that were established in previous games have been thrown out the window in favor of "mainstreaming" the game.

1.Daedric armor and weapons are supposed to be rare.  Yet, thanks to the new level-scaling system, at the later levels, they become more common than iron and steel. 

2.Trading in Dwemer (Dwarven) artifacts in the Empire is considered treason and punishable by death as all Dwemer artifacts belong to the Empire.  So why in the world are entire sets of Dwarven (Dwemer) armor being sold at your local armor shop now?  Again, the level scaling system is to thank for this.

3.Male Dunmer have gone from having a gruff raspy voice in Morrowind to an idiotic boyish voice in Oblivion along with every other race of mer (elves).   

4.In prior games, Cyrodiil is stated to be a vast jungle and to have a tropical to sub-tropical climate.  Yet, in Oblivion, Cyrodiil is suddenly comprised of nothing but temperate rainforest.

5.In prior games, maps of Cyrodiil clearly show the city of Sutch.  Inexplicably, it's missing in Oblivion.