Coco Music Software List

The Color Computer Music Software/Hardware List

(This site best viewed in 1440x900 resolution)

An attempt at cataloging the history of the music software and hardware produced for the Tandy Color Computer 1, 2, and 3.

I will try to keep the list in chronological order but where release dates are not known, I will guess as best I can. My references to these products are mostly built from the magazine ads from "The Rainbow", "Color Computer Magazine", "Hot Coco" and others. I have managed to get some information from the some of the original authors. I hope to keep this as accurate as possible.

If you see a mistake or know more information or even know of software/hardware I've left out, please inform me and I will try to correct it as soon as possible. Some of the programs and hardware have their own pages listed in the right sidebar. There will be more detailed information there when possible. This list was compiled for historical purposes and not to promote any hardware or software listed.

So on with the list :-)


The List

(For now this page is a "work in progress" and nothing has yet to be organized in order. Please check back soon and I hope to have it in order)


Product Author Distributer Format Release Date Final Release

Audio Spectrum Analyzer Steve Bjork Tandy/Radio Shack Program Pak

Orchestra 90cc Jon Bokelman Program Pak

Lyra Lester Hands Speech Systems Disk/Cass

Musica I Lester Hands