4. Process of Transformation

how to walk evolutionarily from the civilization of violence to a culture of empathy?

In our life, we need time to experience empathy

    • The current civilization uses time as money. Time is not money, time is our life, time is ...empathy.

    • People don’t have time for empathy, particularly for empathic listening and democracy. They are busy working on material needs. The system gives us time only to rest from work and then come to work back. They also give up self-governing because of lack of time. and they give up with a consensus and let the majority to impose its will - because they have no time to think to discuss to care ...to live empathically.

    • We need a different cultural paradigm that values time and empathy. BUT the culture of empathy will ruin the current system. A culture of empathy brings not just a spiritual change but affects the materialistic culture. It is revolutionary. People who benefit from the existing system will resist the transformation.

Facilitator’s Self-Evaluation Assessment

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