Den Leader Information

This page is intended for Den Leaders.

Responsibilities by Pack Meeting

I updated the "Responsibilities by Pack Meeting" document to add in our Lion rank. I know this is late in the week, so we will start this rotation at the November meeting. I have some games in mind for Thursday that will take the bulk of our time. Bears - you guys may combine Dens for these responsibilities or you may decide one or the other to take responsibility. Girls should participate with their "same-rank" dens.

Set Up

Arrive at 6:40. Get chairs out of the closet (one rack). If closet is locked, find a janitor to open the closet. Set chairs in the "U" pattern in the cafeteria.


Arrive at 6:50. Assemble at the back corner of the room with the flags. Select which boys will carry the flag (ideally fully uniformed boys). Walk the flags to the front at the designated time. Lead pack in pledge and oath or law.


Have a prepared skit to perform for the meeting. Ideas are here.


Have a prepared game to play with the entire pack. This game should be easy to explain and quick to play. You will have assistance in running the game from other Den Leaders.

Clean Up

At the end of the meeting, re-rack the chairs, pick up trash, and sweep (if necessary).