Burks Bibliography

I doubt that it's quite complete. Basically it's everything that I could find via the Internet. I've never actually read anything by Arthur W. Burks, but I do expect to read an article or two on Peirce by him soon!

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I had been expanding the Charles Sanders Peirce bibliography, and became accustomed to 'Net-surfing for an author's works. I became curious about Arthur W. Burks (who edited volumes 7 & 8 of the Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce), and proceeded to beef up his little Wikipedia page's bibliography. Then he died, and I added a further bunch of articles that I dug up. Often with links. Then somebody came along and complained that the bibliography was longer than the main article, against Wikipedia guidelines, etc., so I stalled a bit, but then cut it down pretty much to books and just a few articles. But I kept the work that I had done, and, now that I have a place to put it online, I've even expanded it.

His wife Alice wrote at least one children's book, co-wrote some books with Arthur, and wrote a book of her own on their battle with others over the question of who invented the computer.

To sort by whether it's article, book, or report, sort the Link column. I hope I distinguished articles from reports correctly in every case. Many of those reports are both in Michigan U's Engineering College's collection of technical reports and in Michigan U's Philosophy Department's collection of papers.

Burks Bibliography — List page from Classic Sites