
In addition to C.P.I.'s private research and investigative services, Crypto, offers lectures on the topics of parapsychology, history, paranormal phenomenon and research techniques.

"Our lectures are informative and fun, featuring stimulating multi-media presentations, original case materials, and live demonstrations of research equipment and experiments."

Nick Smith-Koblitz, Founder and Director.

Crypto Paranormal Investigations has lectured and provided educational services for colleges, historical societies and high schools as well as private tours and learning events.

Choose from several common lecture topics or request and collaborate with Crypto on your own custom presentation.

If you are interested in booking C.P.I. for a lecture, media appearance, or other event,

please visit our contact page.

Common Lecture Topics:

  • The history of paranormal research: Learn about the history of paranormal investigations from their beginnings as ritualistic practices to formalized ghost watches with electronic tools. Relive historic cases of hauntings and witness demonstrations of investigation tools and techniques.

  • How to hunt ghosts: Find out how to tell if a place is really haunted. Learn about the tools and methods Crypto uses to evaluate witnesses and locations objectively. Experience demonstrations of traditional and new investigation techniques and technology and learn about the evolution of the paranormal field, from fringe subject to television and Hollywood sensation.

  • Psychic phenomenon: An overview of psychic phenomenon, what they are, their role in pop culture and famous psychics in history. Learn about psychokinesis, mind over matter, poltergeists and the great psychic hoaxers throughout history. Explore the varying forms of alleged psy abilities and how they have been tested in labs and in haunted locations.

  • What are ghosts: Is there life after death? An examination of supernatural experiences and the varying theories of paranormal investigators and skeptics alike. Examine the evidence from both sides, compare witness reports and alleged photographic, video and audio evidence with the testimony and data of credible scientific sources.