Headlines from the AGM

Post date: 09-Sep-2014 11:04:11

At the AGM, held at the Club on Monday 8th September, members agreed the following changes for the forthcoming season:

New 5th team to be entered in the League under the captaincy of Jonathon Baker.

The 2nd and 5th teams will play their home matches on Thursdays

Home matches for all sides, including the 4ths and the new 5th team, will start at 7.30pm.

Drinks and biscuits will be provided for home matches whenever possible.

Team squads were agreed and will be communicated by team captains.

The subscriptions are to rise by £5 for each class of member. They remain one of the lowest among Oxfordshire clubs.

Child protection policies are to be amended and known in future as Safeguarding policies.

A new post of Website Manager was agreed and a statement of responsibilities will be drafted for the Constitution.

Current Officers were unanimously re-elected plus Simon Taylor as Internal Tournament Organiser and Asif Hameed as Website Manager.

Proposed rule changes for the OCA were endorsed for presentation at the OCA AGM.