
Collaboration, Open Solutions, and Innovation (COSI) are the key management strategies public and private sector organizations need to incorporate into their corporate culture in order to compete and succeed in the 21st century. The adoption and application of these new management strategies is already evident within many companies in almost every industry.

Industries and businesses throughout the world are being revolutionized through the application of these three unique and powerful management strategies. When combined, these COSI strategies create a robust model for accelerating change, achieving significant operational efficiencies, and improving the quality of products and services by public and private sector organizations in the U.S. and other countries.

Collaborative development efforts to create innovative, open source software tools, applications, and other solutions for use by governments at all levels are well underway. These innovative 'Open Government' solutions are being released under one or more open source license arrangements that allow both public and private institutions to acquire and use these tools at little or no cost. This has tremendous potential consequences for government organizations around the world that face funding challenges.

* Currently, many of the examples and links on this site are heavily oriented towards U.S. government sites and solutions.

The War is Over

For well over 10-15 years, the battles between 'open' vs. 'closed' solutions have raged. It started with free and 'open source' software (FOSS) solutions, then moved on to 'open standards', 'open access', 'open data', 'open architecture', ... It started in the technology sector, then spread into education, healthcare, manufacturing, government and just about every other component of the public and private sector. It became more than just about technology, it became a broad, global movement that supports the adoption of 'open culture' and 'open societies' around the world. Many individuals, corporations, and countries will continue to battle and fight against the 'open movement' for years to come, not recognizing that the war is over - all 'closed' systems will succumb to 'open solutions' as we move into the future.

If you would like to suggest new material or links to be added to this web site, please email groenpj@cs.com

The Open Way is more than a software development model; it defines the characteristics of a culture. The open source way thrives on broad collaboration and shared effort. It includes open source, open access, open data, open standards, open communities, and more.

    • The open way is about possibility. Open source presents a new way to solve old problems. To share ideas and effort.

    • The open way multiplies: Knowledge; Effort; Inspiration; Creativity; and Innovation. The impact is exponential.

    • The open way opens doors. Open source offers a new perspective. Open, not closed. Collaboration, not isolation.

Excerpts from www.opensource.com/open-source-way