walkalong glider book

Build and Pilot Your Own Walkalong Gliders

By Philip Rossoni

Paper airplanes are fun, but the projects in this book go way beyond paper airplanes! Walkalong gliding involves the controlled, sustained flight of light, airplane-like models on a wave of air generated by the user. Most people can’t believe their eyes the first time they see walkalong gliders in action—it seems like magic! This hands-on, activity-based introduction to the hobby of walkalong gliding (aka “controllable slope soaring”) explains the principles that make things fly, provides step-by-step instructions for creating a variety of gliders, and teaches the tricks and techniques of optimizing an aircraft’s performance for superior piloting. The walkalong glider competitions described in this book highlight the diversity of aircraft designs and a wide range of piloting techniques, providing the basis for fun activities and a deep understanding of the principles that allow flight to happen. The book introduces new techniques for sustained free flight and includes tips and techniques for introducing the sport to others. Experience the joy of flying with your feet planted firmly on the ground!

Available Summer 2012 from McGraw-Hill, 200 pages