
Being located in several countries in Europe all partners bring in their educational, vocational and also economic background for the benefit of developing European solutions for harmonizing the Common Market.

They deal with apprentices and students in initial VET, with skilled workers and practicioners in further and continuing training, with academics in terms of specialized courses and seminars as well as with target groups in the transition phases between school and work life.


All partners in the CPD network originate from market driven centres for vocational education and training (VET), scientific institutions or they are companies dealing with human resource topics, which dedicate themselves to develop and test market innovations.

Currently the focus lies on construction branch related topics and/or VET-related topics in more general aspects as well as on coping with the challenges of the digital media era, circular economy and energy efficiency / saving matters among others. Not least the development and widening of soft and transversal skills in professional contexts are of main concern.