Forced Subtitles

I don't have recorded voice-overs for NPCs. I don't have the skill nor the equipment to provide the quality voiceovers this mod deserves.

I still wanted to enrich the atmosphere of Coldhaven with dialogue though. I didn't want to make players turn subtitles on in their games, so I found a good alternative.

At the beginning of each conversation, I apply this script line:

Utility.SetINIBool("bDialogueSubtitles:Interface", true)

and at the end apply this script line:

Utility.SetINIBool("bDialogueSubtitles:Interface", false)

This will show subtitles for just that conversation and turn them off at the end. However, it could be a problem if there is someone who wants subtitles on all the time.

If you leave Coldhaven and want subtitles back on you may have to go back into your menu and turn them back on. This setting will not persist in a save.