Running elsewhere

Please note: these instructions are out of date. Email for the current instructions.

old instructions follow

[[[Step 1: Checkout code from the GFDL FMS repository.

Go to:

You need a GForge account. After logging in. Click the “quick jump to …” button at the top of the page. Select “mom4p1”. Click the “Files” tab and download the latest public release source code. The input files listed below work for the perth city release of the model. This should be available early October, 2008.

Step 2: Unpack the code.

For example,

cd foo_dir

mv download_dir/mom4p1_pubrel_??oct2008.tgz .

tar -xzvf mom4p1_pubrel_??oct2008.tgz

Step 3: Compile

cd mom4p1_pubrel_??oct2008/exp

edit the compile script mom4p1_coupled_compile.csh. You need to setup a proper template file for your machine. This is located in foo_dir/mom4p1_pubrel_??oct2008/bin/mkmf.template.$platform.

execute mom4p1_coupled_compile.csh

Step 4: Create a directory for your experiment

mkdir -p ESM2M/{preprocessing,input}/1

Step 5: Download input files.

Example, using wget. Note that ESM2M_INPUT_FILES.tgz is 2.7 Gbytes.

cd ESM2M

wget “”

tar xzvf ESM2M_INPUT_FILES.tgz

cd input/1

wget “”

wget “”

wget “”

wget “”

cd ../../preprocessing/1

ln -s ../../INPUT/* .

Step 6: Edit runscript

cd ../../..

Edit mom4p1_coupled_run.csh

Change the experiment name to ESM2M, variant = 1, platform = ?, npes = ?.

Try running for a few days or a month. The runlength is defined by variables “months” and “days” in “coupler_nml” contained in file “input/1/namelist”.

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