Suzanne Pearce

1939 - 2016

Suzanne Pearce lived in Cambridge, MA. She wrote poetry intermittently since age ten. After teaching English and Special Ed for a few years, she changed course and worked for nuclear disarmament groups and a sister-city program linking Cambridge and Yerevan, Armenia. She has published poems in the Comstock Review, The Path, and About Place Journal. She has also published translations of short poems from Armenian in Ararat Quarterly.

In the last months of her life Suzy and her friends put together a chapbook selection of her work, Sustenance & Other Poems. Its cover describes her poetry as distilling "a lifetime of engagement with the natural world, life on her street and in her neighborhood, friends and family, and a wide range of political and social issues." This very much characterizes the Class Act poet we knew and loved.

Photograph by Anthony Majahad