
I decided to develop my own simple ray-tracing engine in Matlab from the scratch just because existing ray-tracers are mainly targeted to 3D computer graphics and don't provide proper access to the internal data (e.g. ray hitpoints), which are needed for the computation of the disparity and/or motion fields.

Demo videos

In this video the proposed raytracer is used for rendering images from two cameras (stereo setup) and for computation of the binocular disparity maps (vertical and horizontal).

This video demonstrates the result of rendering of simple scene and computations of disparity map, motion field and independent motion map.

In this video I show how the raytracer was used for modeling of a robotic head (in the sense of active vision). Particularly, vergence/version control task is simulated.


2016-05-11 myRaytracer-0.07

- myRatracer works in Octave (haven't checked this before, but now it's true).

- fixed a nasty bug in disparity estimation (thanks to Jan Sochman).

- added a demo script raytracer_demo5.m demonstrating the correctness of the disparity maps.

2011-07-22 myRaytracer-0.06

- added demo script raytracer_demo4.m, which shows how to get independent motion maps from myRaytracer (thanks to John Stowers).

2010-06-06 myRaytracer-0.05

- now all units (in scene description, cameras focal length and so on) are set to millimeters.

2010-03-xx myRaytracer-0.04

- the file names of the raytracer routines got prefix "raytracer_". - A new directory "raytracer-utils" created. It will be saved into global matlab path list after first execution of raytracer_init.m (or startup.m) script.

2009-12-04-00-29 myRaytracer-0.03

- added function showimage.m which shows an image even if the Image Processing Toolbox is not available (thanks to Chuck Rino).

2009-12-03-17-19 myRaytracer-0.02

- added missed function rotation_matrix_3d.m (thanks to Christian Bouville).

2009-11-29-23-24 myRaytracer-0.01

- first release, submitted to Mathworks FileExchange