Presentation 16: Full development cycle

This workshop was intended for 2nd graders to show to them what it is like to work at google, in particular

- Accomplishing something you don't know how to do

- Brainstorming

- Team work

- Communication

- Execution

- Coordination

- Feedback, learn on mistakes

The kids were given a goal: make a cube made of lego pieces, where each side shows a letter from "Google".

The cube needs to be solid, in a sense, it can't just fall apart when you touch it.

1. Prototyping

The kids split into 3 groups of 5-6 and came up with a proposal how this goal can be done.  2nd graders didn't think much about making a cube, they were concerned with how to put a letter on a side.

2. Discussing the prototype and choosing the plan

The kids shared their ideas about how this can be implemented and we picked the proposal that made more sense.

3. Split the work

All kids split into 6 groups, each group was responsible for each side.

4. Execution

The kids tried to make a side with a letter on it. They more or less succeeded with it. But they completely failed to put the sides together into a cube.

5. Feedback

Kids discussed what worked and what didn't work, how they could do better. For example, coordination was completely missing and hence the cube wasn't made.

This is what the kids have managed to accomplished: