Dimensions Group 3

System Building vs. Studying

Explicit vs. Implicit Authoring

Level of Abstractness or User-Centeredness

Amount of Background Knowledge, Information Source, Amount of Information

Where is the implementation? client, server, proxy, mixes of these

Programming Concepts

- Chaining & Composability

Level of semantics in the data

- Required syntax (if any)

Sharing & Re-use... Can you make something reusable, does it make sense to share, how do you share? one-to-one, community, Real-time vs. temporally distributed, what kind of people? strangers vs. people who know each other

Fragility: page changes, content changes, template changes


Needs gathering vs. Post-hoc evaluation

Examining artifacts vs. talking to people

Were needs met?

Who generated the scenario? tool maker vs. user

What kind of task? learnability, readability, debugging, development from scratch

Dependencies on Technology: HTML, JavaScript, some specific AJAX toolkit, etc. Some particular way that apps were built at the time

Contribution Dimension - What was original about this work when it came out?

Follow-on Projects: Who built on this? Who studied it?

Generic interface models: VCR, script, dataflow, storyboard

Graphical vs. textual

Programming paradigm: event-based,

Abstract vs. Concrete

visual feedback



Implicit vs. Explicit Authoring

Programming Concepts



Interface Model

Programming Paradigm

Where is the implementation? client, server, proxy, mix


Needs gathering vs. post-hoc evaluation

Examining artifacts vs. talking to people

Need-based vs. technology-led

Who generated the scenario? tool maker vs. user

What kind of task?


Can you make something reusable, does it make sense to share, how do you share? one-to-one, community, Real-time vs. temporally distributed, what kind of people? strangers vs. people who know each other


What was the original contribution?

Who has built on it?


What were the technical dependencies (if system)?

What audience is it restricted to (if study)?

Random Notes: Where should these summaries be included? Could be before or after chapter. Summary chapters could be follow-on discussion

•Paul Andre

•Hyuckchul Jung

•Rob Miller

•Jeff Nichols

•Aran Lunzer

•Brian Dorn

•Alex Faaborg