Kim Mudangnim

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Initially published in the anthology 'Every Second Sunday' (2010), 'Hunting for Kim Mudangnim' is also part of the collection 'Seoul Villages' (2020), between two rare sightings of Seoul's most beloved yet elusive mudang.

A heartthrob for men, a symbol of independence for women, a modern superhero for kids, a guardian of traditions for senior citizens, a precious crime fighter for most of the police (not those who chose the wrong side of justice)... Kim Mudangnim (a.k.a. Kim D. K.) is not your usual shaman.

You can read 'Hunting for Kim Mudangnim' for free on Wattpad, as well as my other free ebooks: 'Seoul Villages', 'Guisin-dong', 'Year of the dog'... I hope you enjoy it, and welcome any comments and reviews (e.g. on Wattpad, Google Play Books, on Amazon...).

Stephane - 2011-2021

Check my other books and free ebooks.

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