Join Us

~~ Work hard & Play hard ~~

We are looking for gifted master and undergraduate students who are strongly interested in scientific research and passionate about brain sciences, cognitive neuroscience, or rehabilitation sciences. We also welcome international undergraduate/graduate students to join us for a short-term visit or a long-term professional training (e.g., master program).

Master students: The application to our graduate program is NOT restricted to OT students. Any background related to (but not limited to) psychology, life science, biomedical sciences, medicine, health promotion or long-term care is also welcome. 

Undergraduate students: Anyone who is interested in topics with neuroscience/cognitive science/brain science is welcome, no matter what your major is. If you have any question, please feel free to contact me:

歡迎有熱誠、有衝勁的 <碩士班研究生> 和 <大學部專題生> 加入我們的團隊!! 


碩士班研究生: 本所不限定職能治療學系畢業學生報考,因此也歡迎其他相關背景的優秀大學畢業生加入我們團隊。全職學生提供每個月8000元的研究津貼。

大學部專題生: 只要是對神經/認知/腦科學相關議題有興趣,不論是醫學系物理治療學系護理系生物醫學系等,都歡迎加入
