Chang Gung Memorial Hospital: Circulating Tumor Cells Lab


A Lab constructed by cross-filed team members, including biomedical engineers and medical oncologists, which's main goal is to achieve precise personalized medicine based on liquid biopsies.


Circulating tumor cells (CTCs), are defined as cells expressing epithelial cell surface markers and/or tumor specific marker(s) and must simultaneously excluded from red/white blood cells (RBCs/WBCs) in circulation. These cells have been thought to be live cells shed from primary tumor mass, cultivable , having potential to metastasize into distant organs, promotion of thrombosis, acquiring resistance to anticancer drugs, and have been proven to be prognostic and predictive in patients with various kinds of solid tumors. Even more, CTC could also potentially guide anti-cancer therapies. A reliable CTC detection or isolation method could represent a good biomarker or predictor before the initiation of anti-cancer treatment in cancer patients.

Our Lab goals are currently:

(1) Technical Development of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) isolation and identification.

(2) High purity isolation of CTCs

(3) Cultivation of CTCs and circulating stem cells (CSCs)

(4) Investigation of the biology of CTCs, tumor behavior, process of metastasis and its micro-environment.