




Enterprise Security Group

Director, Training and Human Resources

Succeeding at C-Bay; Tasks; Teams; FAQs

Succeeding at C-Bay

To maximize your changes for success at C-Bay, It is important that you understand how C-Bay works and your role within the organization. The C-Bay Way includes teamwork, tasks, and professional level presentations of results.

C-Bay wants the same kind of employees as other innovative companies want to hire, only better: People who are adaptable, creative problem solvers and independent learners. Professionals who can work well with people and work successfully on teams. In a nutshell, we value people who are professional and know how to get projects done efficiently and effectively.

We hope your experiences over the next months will help you gain confidence in your abilities as a true C-bay professional. To assist you, we compiled these suggestions from managers surveyed about what it takes to be successful at C-Bay:

Be proactive

You must schedule meetings with your manager when needed. In general, you should come to us if you can't find the answer on your own. The more you put into the process yourself, the more you'll get out of it. Don't expect us to tell you what to do.

Keep in Touch

You are responsible for checking your email regularly; announcements will be made this way, and we will assume that you have read them.

Check with your manager about available online tools (email, threaded discussions, listservs, etc.). Use these tools to share information, project schedules, agreements, resources, results, and updates with your team members and manager.

Manage your time

Time management is essential to your success at C-Bay. You should plan to spent 50% of your time on this challenging project for reading and research. See the Working with Task section of this Orientaiton for additional suggestions on time management.

Address performance issues in your team

Since you won't initially know the full extent of your team's capabilities, negotiate the initial scope of work for each member carefully (i.e., what concrete pieces of the task s/he is responsible for).

If problems emerge, surface them as soon as possible so that you can negotiate them within your team and complete your task on schedule. (This may be socially uncomfortable, but you've just got to do it.)

If you ever have a problem you don't know how to solve, discuss it with your manager after you have talked to your team.

To gain additional insights into your role at C-Bay, view this introduction to working at C-Bay Properties and the Enterprise Security Group:

C-Bay Properties: Enterprise Security Group. [Quicktime, 3.1 MB]

Note: the video download process takes time, please be patient.


Visit the Working with Tasks section of this site to learn the process we recommend for completing tasks and presenting your solutions to your colleagues.


Teamwork is essential to C-Bay's success. Review the Working in Teams section of this Orientation to improve your team skills.

FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions]

Questions are compiled for this section from questions you ask your manager, postings to discussion threads, and other sources.

In addition, suggested readings on the concepts presented in this Orientation are listed within each section. If you have additional books, articles, or websites that would prove useful to your colleagues, please let your manager know.