
1. By PayPal:

WHAT: How to pay deposit to LIS Hotel by

HOW: You should have a PayPal account first. (Register at

Then you can send money to LIS Hotel (See WHO below)

(Note: In order to pay the deposit, you ONLY need to know the payee's email address)


(Note: Please select Currency as CAD = Canadian Dollars)

Note: There are no fees to send money to any PayPal account.

Half of rental fee deposit is required for reservation. minimum is $200


2. By Western Union

WHAT: How to pay deposit to LIS Hotel by (This is information will email you by LIS Hotel)

3. By TD Bank if you are in Canada

WHAT: How to pay deposit to LIS Hotel by TD Canada Trust Bank

HOW: Just go to any one of the TD Bank branch in your local city for the deposit. OR you may call TD bank for that.

(Note: In order to pay the deposit, you need to know the payee's name AND he/she's account number)

WHO: (Name & Account number will email to you when we receive your email)

WHERE: Bank Address: Station Square - Metrotown, 4630 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5H 4L9. Tel: 604 654 3935)

Note: There is no fee if you may the deposit at TD bank in Canada

Half of rental fee deposit is required for reservation. minimum is $200


Vancouver LIS Hotel - The only one fully furnished apartment hotel in Vancouver, Canada!

Nice room, Great people, The lowest price!

Hotel, Resort, Motel, Holiday Inn, B&B accommodation, LIS Hotel - Your Complete Travel Solution in North America!

Email: MSN: Tel: 604 295 5578

Web site:

- Canada Youth Hotel WorldWide Deposit System -

It is fast, simple and safe by PayPal, WesternUnion or Canada TD Bank:

LIS Hotel (=Canada Youth Hotel) is a licenced hotel operator registered in the government of BC, Canada

3.12.1 Vancouver LIS Hotel Deposit System in China - 加拿大温哥华LIS 旅馆中国定金付费办法:


WHAT: LIS 定金的数额按时间计算(与人数多少以及每天价格的高低无关), 每周按400RMB计算, 不足一周者按一周计算。

大于一周至两周者按700RMB计算, 大于两周14天者按900RMB。

预定旅游服务(班芙, 加东, 美西等)的定金是1000 ~ 2000 RMB (人员多少而有不同), 接机服务的预定是100RMB

HOW: 按照下面的LIS CHINA 银行信息办理汇款时须告诉银行 WHERE, WHO, WHAT 即可,此帐号在中国天津,任何城市,

北京, 上海, 福州的工商银行均可以办理这项异地汇款业务.

此项业务叫做“速汇通”,(转天即可收到) (注意,收款人必须使用中文名字,中国的银行系统要求)

办理完毕后请给LIS 发邮件说明下列事项 (尽量填写完全以便LIS记录)并电话告知天津联络处:( 86 22 ) 8980 7155

1, 汇款时间: _________ 2, 银行名称:____________ 3, 已汇款数额:__________

4, 汇款城市:__________ 5, 收据号码: ____________ 6, 汇款人:________________


WHERE: 中国工商银行(天津), 帐号: 0302031001300479813

WHO: Name(户名): 王卫红


LIS PROGRAM - Landed Immigrant Service - The biggest Immigrant Service Agency in Vancouver, Canada


Bank Fee(手续费): 每一笔1%,50RMB封顶,2小时到帐(如果没有汇错的话). 自2002年7月1日,自中国的LIS客户将在中国预付定金(RMB)

方能预定加拿大温哥华LIS Hotel 的房间。LIS CHINA 将及时(24小时之内) 通知LIS CANADA 已经收到的定金情况, 定金只用于LIS服务的预定,

将在客户离开LIS 时退还. 为便于LIS 的服务管理, 尤其在旅游及节假日等的旺季, LIS 提倡客户预付定金以保证住房的预定.

给予为客户的安全考虑,LIS项目暂不接受VISA, MASTER 等信用卡。



LIS 房型具体介绍:(LIS 的房型有BED, SHA, BAT, APT1, APT2, APT3 等几种形式)

BED: 指一个床位,为青年旅馆(Hostel)式房间,两个或三个人公用一个房间. 适合单身学生,背包客,自助游者.

SHA: 为共用厨房, 卫生间的Share型, 在三室一厅内, 两户或三户公用厨房卫生间等, 适合单身移民, 人数较少的家庭

BAT: 套间, 自带卫生间-Bathroom,公用厨房,在两室或三室一厅内, 适合双人家庭或带子女的家庭等

APT1: 为自带厨房,卫生间, 独立出入的一室一厅, 适合带子女的家庭,或希望经常作饭的客户。

APT3: 为自带厨房,卫生间, 独立出入的三室一厅, 适合带子女的家庭,或希望经常作饭的客户。

LIS 的住宿价格与人数及地点有关, 与房型无关, (水, 电,气,上网等费用已经包括在内, 超过一月的长期住宿价格另议),

LIS 住宿价格可能随季节而略有变化,同时每一个城市价位也会有所不同, LIS 保持不另行通知的权利,同时LIS 有可能

