Patents per country

In which countries were most inventions of mechanical calculating devices made?

These maps show the countries where inventors and assignees of patents for mechanical calculating devices reside. The color coding expresses the number of times the country appears in the addresses of inventors or assignees. One patent can contribute to several countries (if the inventors live in different countries), or can give several contributions to one country (if several inventors live in the same country).

The number of patents in this plot is larger than the number in the location heatmap. Some patents, for instance most French patents, do not specify a detailed location of inventors or assignees but only their country. These patents are not included in the location heatmap but do contribute here.

Two plots are given: one with a linear color scale, and one with a logarithmic scale, showing more differences between the countries with small numbers of patents.

Note that these are not maps of the number of patents issued by the patent office of a country.

See the Rechnerlexikon for extensive patent information of mechanical calculating devices.